यही कुछ लाईने हमने सुनी है भारत के बापू के बारे में I
Monday, March 22, 2010
देदी हमे आजादी, बिना खडग बिना ढाल, साबरमती के संत, तुने कर दिया कमाल
देदी हमे आजादी, बिना खडग बिना ढाल I
साबरमती के संत, तुने कर दिया कमाल I
यही कुछ लाईने हमने सुनी है भारत के बापू के बारे में I
सत्य अहिंसा व् त्याग के प्रबल समर्थक "वासुदेव कुतुक्म्ब्कम की अलख जगाने वाले महात्मा गाँधी जी के सिध्हंतो को इस देश ने और उनको राष्ट्रपिता कहने वाली ह्न्हीं की संतानों ने भुला दिया हममे इस बात का कतेयी भी खेद नहीं होना चाहिए कि हम उनके सिध्हंतो को, विचारो, आदर्शो को अपने जीवन में नहीं उतार सके क्योंकि सदियों में एक ही बार कोई मोहनदास करमचंद्र गाँधी जैसा साधारण युवक एक विशाल देश का बापू एवं संपूर्ण विश्वय के लिए महात्मा बन सकता है I
हमे गाँधी जी के सिध्हंतो आदर्शो पर चलने कि बात छोड़ देनी चहिये क्योंकि शायद हम वह त्याग तपस्या इमानदारी सत्यानिस्था सभी के लिए प्रेम जैसी वर्त्तमान समय में वाद विवाद के दौरान अक्सर अप्र्स्नजिगिक घोषित कर दी जाने वाली बातों को अपने आचरण में न ला पाए लेकिन हम कम से कम एक नालायक पुत्र के रूप में ही सही अपने एवं संपूर्ण राष्ट्र के पिता कि मूर्ति, फोटो इत्यादि कि इज्जत तो कर ही सकते है I
प्रोजेक्ट विजय
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
"Action Group for Right to Information" is only CASH RTI, befooling people with the name of RTI Promotion
As we raise, Groups like "Action Group for Right to Information" is only CASH RTI, befooling people with the name of RTI Promotion.
This was also cleared by the NGO's Magazine of MAGSAYSAY Awardee, Lucknow (Enclosed Page 1 & 2 of article was published in the special edition of 2009)
Highlight's of Page 2 of Article:
- Made pressure on SCIC's for recruiting his daughter in UP Information Commission.
- While they also made a pressure on higher govt. official's for self motives.
- They enjoyed in GEMINI Intercontinental & CLARKS AWADH Hotel with Higher official's of State/Central govt. department, Lucknow.
These all are the points that itself declaring such groups like AGRI just CASH RTI, befooling people with the name of RTI Promotion. Thus, we appeal to Honorable Information Commissioners & Citizen's, that we do not entertain such RTI Groups.
Last but not the least, we are also thankful to the editorial board of this magazine who published such article for transparency in public life.
Hope this is enough for exposing such groups.
Monday, March 15, 2010
13 Mar 2010, PROJECT VIJAY organised a awareness programme for the J.J cluster people in Kidwai nagar.The people were told about 42 policies of Delhi Govt and and to motivate them we also conducted on the spot test and two women were given prizes for best understanding of the policies. One of the group ladies was handed over a copy of the Delhi Govt policy document and made in charge to collect the details of the people who could be benefited under the various scheme.
This activity was supported by Pramaod Chawala Sir and Mr Tewari Sir from NNFI. Maj Alok Kishore also extended his support by commiting to draft required documents on behalf of these people.
We thank them all and we also thank Ms Seema who co-ordinated this for us.
Maj Sangeeta Tomar
New Delhi
Sunday, March 14, 2010
PROJECT VIJAY's mass program in the six villages of block Hasangnj of District Unnao of Uttar Pradesh.
PROJECT VIJAY youth team by the supervision of Himanshu & Abhishek (9305963744 & 9919767128) will going to organise mass program in the six villages of block Hasangnj of District Unnao of Uttar Pradesh.
Date of Program: 20th March 2010 saturday
Venue: Gram Panchayat 1.Hasanganj, 2.Sekhpur Bujurg, 3.Ranikheda, 4.Matriya, 5.Dhaura, 6.Pilakhna
Team Members: Dr. Siddharth, Preeti (MSW), Pooja (MSW), Shweta (MBA), Alok (Resarcher), Monika & Richa
Objective of the Mass Program
1. Rural Development
2. Awareness about the Central/State Govt. Schemes.
3. Youth Empowerment by forming an YUVA PANCHAYAT
The program was organised with joining hands of Shri. R K Mittal (Rtd. IAS) of Kabir Shanti Mission
Views ideas and thoughts are welcome for make this program a grant success for the welfare of human mankind and the development of NATION.Volunteer are also welcome in this program for the distribution of the above work.
RTI meet organised at Gomti Nagar Lucknow UP for the promotion of RTI
PROJECT VIJAY Officials includes Shri. Akhilesh Saxena, Mrs Urvashi Sharma, Himanshu, Mahendra, Abhishek, Dr. Siddharth & Pawan taken part in RTI Activist meet at Gomti Nagar. Meeting was started about 12:00 A huge discussion over the promoting RTI Activities and how it may transfer to more people for spreading awareness Mr. Ashish share his views regarding his last RTI Awareness camp organised at LDA Office. Mr. Alok a resarcher present a movie on social & RTI isssue and raise his voice regarding the time boundation of Information Commission for providing information to the applicant. Some other RTI Activist from Lucknow joined the meet and conclude to open a separate RTI Office in Hazratganj Lane with to dominate a role of RTI Activist in UP INFORMATION COMMSSION so that the RTI Camp will be organised.
Main objective of a meet that we all should join hands for the promotion of RTI. Meeting was over about 2:00 PM.
Main objective of a meet that we all should join hands for the promotion of RTI. Meeting was over about 2:00 PM.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Violation of Human Rights in Jails of Uttar Pradesh: Mrs Urvashi Sharma, RTI Activist, Project VIJAY
Report shows the poor plight of jailed humans in the jails of Uttar Pradesh. The mean overcrowding index of 53 Districts is 1.89. A look at the overcrowding index makes it clear that U.P. jails have high overcrowding index to the tune of 3.76 as in Moradabad Jail. This means that on an average 3.76 humans are being kept in U. P. Jails having facility of only 1 human. The position of these jails is grossly violative of human-rights and is highly undesirable. The problem needs to be addressed at your level on top priority basis.

This serious problem sent to higher official for appropriate action so that the problem can be solved to give a humane atmosphere to jailed humans in Uttar Pradesh.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
UP Governor house moves file to take action against Mr. R. S. Pankaj the SCIC, on the effort of Mrs. Urvashi Sharma, Member PROJECT VIJAY
It is surprising that when Mrs. Urvashi Sharma, RTI Activist PROJECT VIJAY was asking for time to meet Honorable Governor Uttar Pradesh, She is being told that the matter has been referred to the administrative reforms department.
The file that is moving at snail's speed is being told to be moving quickly, perhaps this is the folly of the system that the top-notch IAS officials don't shy at all when they become blindfolded to shield the corrupts like R S Pankaj, SCIC UP
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
PROJECT VIJAY official's found out the real fact of AMITY UNIVERSITY NOIDA & LUCKNOW CAMPUS
Using the favours of Right to Information Act 2005, Officials of PROJECT VIJAY have procured information / documents regarding Amity University, Noida , U.P. These documents are real shocking and contain serious/confidential information. The aforesaid documents prove that the establishment of Amity University, Lucknow is due to the manipulative collusion of senior officials Centre and State Government. The University is running various programmes unconstitutionally, charging exorbitant fees thereby misguiding the guardians of the students enrolled under such programmes.
Establishment of Amity University
According to obtained documents, Amity University Noida Uttar Pradesh Act 2005 (UP Act No. 11 of 2005) has been released on 24th March 2005.
According to public notice of UGC dated 15.06.2009 "It is also informed that private universities cannot affiliate an institution / college. They cannot establish off campus centre (s) beyond the territorial jurisdiction of the concerned state. However they can establish off campus centre (s) within the concerned state after their existence of five years and with the prior approval of the UGC. So far, UGC has not approved any off campus centre (s) of any private institution.
Inspite of the aforesaid provision, Amity University is running two off campuses in Viraj Khand, Gomtinagar and in Malhor of District Lucknow.
Land Issue of Amity University, Lucknow Campus
As per rule, before granting recognition to any University it is necessary for the officials of the concerned department to ensure that the land of the proposed institution is registered under its name only.
When the officials of Project Vijay investigated the issue under RTI Act 2005, the Tehsildar of Sadar, Lucknow revealed the fact that the land of functioning off campus of Amity University does not belong to the establishment.
Misusing of UGC’s Monogram
Although UGC in its open letter dated, 17th March2009 has made it very clear that “no private University or private educational institution can use UGC's monogram in its website”.
Unhesitant Amity University is waywardly showcasing the monogram of UGC in its website.
UGC has acquainted in their open letter dated 19th May 2009 that they have directed Amity University, Uttar Pradesh not to use its monogram.
Misusing of UGC 's name in advertisements
Amity University in its advertisement for admission for session 2009 -10 has printed the monogram of UGC and it was also mentioned that “Amity University is recognised by UGC".
While UGC in its letter dated 3rd March 2009 has specified that UGC has not granted Amity University, Noida, U.P. any letter regarding its recognition.

Besides this, according to Central Information Commission’s judgement no.CIC/OK/A/2008/01205/SG/0375 's serial no. 2 - "UGC does not recognise Universities. UGC makes inspection of private Universities for the assessment of infrastructure/ academic facilities available in the private universities”.
Unconstitutional Distance Education Programmes conducted by Amity University Uttar Pradesh
As it is apparent from the public notice of UGC dated: 15.06.09 “For running programmes in distance mode, the approval of Joint Committee of UGC - AICTE - DEC is required .Distance Education Council is the coordinator of Joint Committee “.
IGNOU, the constitutional body for DEC, has made it apparent in its letter no. 2506 dated: 12.08.2009 that “DEC has not accredited any programmes of Amity University as yet ".
Besides this, also the Engineering and Management courses conducted by Amity University Lucknow Campus, not recognised by AICTE.
These discrepancies stand as evidence themselves. Due to the manipulative collusion of high officials of Higher Education Department Uttar Pradesh, University Grant Commission, and other constitutional bodies like Distance Education Council, AICTE , Architecture Council of India, Bar Council of India with Amity University by providing them silent approval and hiding discrepancies in documents and modifying the facts .
Amity University, Uttar Pradesh is able to run its Lucknow campus and Distance Education Programmes illegally as per the public notice & media cuttings.
On the same matter complaint is filed by PROJECT VIJAY to the concern authorities for the investigation of such serious issue
According to obtained documents, Amity University Noida Uttar Pradesh Act 2005 (UP Act No. 11 of 2005) has been released on 24th March 2005.
According to public notice of UGC dated 15.06.2009 "It is also informed that private universities cannot affiliate an institution / college. They cannot establish off campus centre (s) beyond the territorial jurisdiction of the concerned state. However they can establish off campus centre (s) within the concerned state after their existence of five years and with the prior approval of the UGC. So far, UGC has not approved any off campus centre (s) of any private institution.
Inspite of the aforesaid provision, Amity University is running two off campuses in Viraj Khand, Gomtinagar and in Malhor of District Lucknow.
Land Issue of Amity University, Lucknow Campus
As per rule, before granting recognition to any University it is necessary for the officials of the concerned department to ensure that the land of the proposed institution is registered under its name only.
When the officials of Project Vijay investigated the issue under RTI Act 2005, the Tehsildar of Sadar, Lucknow revealed the fact that the land of functioning off campus of Amity University does not belong to the establishment.
Misusing of UGC’s Monogram
Although UGC in its open letter dated, 17th March2009 has made it very clear that “no private University or private educational institution can use UGC's monogram in its website”.
Unhesitant Amity University is waywardly showcasing the monogram of UGC in its website.
UGC has acquainted in their open letter dated 19th May 2009 that they have directed Amity University, Uttar Pradesh not to use its monogram.
Misusing of UGC 's name in advertisements
Amity University in its advertisement for admission for session 2009 -10 has printed the monogram of UGC and it was also mentioned that “Amity University is recognised by UGC".
While UGC in its letter dated 3rd March 2009 has specified that UGC has not granted Amity University, Noida, U.P. any letter regarding its recognition.

Besides this, according to Central Information Commission’s judgement no.CIC/OK/A/2008/01205/SG/0375 's serial no. 2 - "UGC does not recognise Universities. UGC makes inspection of private Universities for the assessment of infrastructure/ academic facilities available in the private universities”.
Unconstitutional Distance Education Programmes conducted by Amity University Uttar Pradesh
As it is apparent from the public notice of UGC dated: 15.06.09 “For running programmes in distance mode, the approval of Joint Committee of UGC - AICTE - DEC is required .Distance Education Council is the coordinator of Joint Committee “.
IGNOU, the constitutional body for DEC, has made it apparent in its letter no. 2506 dated: 12.08.2009 that “DEC has not accredited any programmes of Amity University as yet ".
Besides this, also the Engineering and Management courses conducted by Amity University Lucknow Campus, not recognised by AICTE.
These discrepancies stand as evidence themselves. Due to the manipulative collusion of high officials of Higher Education Department Uttar Pradesh, University Grant Commission, and other constitutional bodies like Distance Education Council, AICTE , Architecture Council of India, Bar Council of India with Amity University by providing them silent approval and hiding discrepancies in documents and modifying the facts .
Amity University, Uttar Pradesh is able to run its Lucknow campus and Distance Education Programmes illegally as per the public notice & media cuttings.
On the same matter complaint is filed by PROJECT VIJAY to the concern authorities for the investigation of such serious issue
Now its your decision to opt or discard Amity University while you plan your child's future. But we would like to ask some question to you,
- Do you think it is expected of an educational institution to use false facts to mislead the students
- Do you think such an institute can impart quality education with some moral – values
- Are students of such institute literate or simply educated
There are many such questions in the hearts of Indian parents who spend their hard-earned money on their children's education.
{ Note : This article is not for those who are within the corrupt system and have easy-earned black money made by corrupt practices }
We are also grateful to Jasvir Singh (IPS), founder member of Indian Rejuvenation Initiative (IRI) for his valuable help, encouragement and guidance, for such issue.
For more information you may directly contact to:
PROJECT VIJAY Helpline : 09415509920, 0522-3259695, 4045508
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Conclusion of Regular PROJECT VIJAY meet (7th March 2010)
On last Sunday, dated 7th March 2010. A regular PROJECT VIJAY meet was organised at one of the room of PROJECT VIJAY member. Twelve people were present in this meet most of them are new comers and they have taken some responsibility. Mahendra initiated the meeting & Pawan demonstrated the PROJECT VIJAY and its objectives, working style and achievement in detail.
1. Yogesh Yadav told about his work regarding Chinnhat Factory Issues.
2. Ravindra Mourya & Yogesh Shivhare discussed the pension program of Indian Govt. System, hidden problems and corruption in it.
3. Mohit has taken the responsibility for the hosting of PROJECT VIJAY website as soon as possible.
4. Shobhit Asthana will make one painting on any social issue and Sachaan will write an article on it.
5. For making RTI awareness PROJECT VIJAY should arrange a RTI Camp in Villages, Schools, Colleges & Coaching institutes.
6. Discussion on RTI Awards, firstly we have to decide the Welcome GUEST as soon as we can
1. Yogesh Yadav told about his work regarding Chinnhat Factory Issues.
2. Ravindra Mourya & Yogesh Shivhare discussed the pension program of Indian Govt. System, hidden problems and corruption in it.
3. Mohit has taken the responsibility for the hosting of PROJECT VIJAY website as soon as possible.
4. Shobhit Asthana will make one painting on any social issue and Sachaan will write an article on it.
5. For making RTI awareness PROJECT VIJAY should arrange a RTI Camp in Villages, Schools, Colleges & Coaching institutes.
6. Discussion on RTI Awards, firstly we have to decide the Welcome GUEST as soon as we can
Total Expenses-----Rs 68.00/=
Rs. 48.00/= for Tea (Voluntary donated by Pawan)
Rs. 20.00/=for Biscuits (Voluntary donated by Zeeshan)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
PROJECT VIJAY@Pipra Ghat NDTV Clean GOMTI campaign
NDTV Lucknow bureau was organised a 24-hour environment campaign called the Greenathon which starts at 7 pm on Saturday (6 March).It is a pan-India effort and small Lucknow bureau is worked hard to ensure that Uttar Pradesh doesn’t fall off the map.
PROJECT VIJAY also joined hand in this Greenathon environment campaign for the Cleaning the banks of the river Gomti dated 7th March 2010 at Pipra Ghats, Dilkusha Colony Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
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